Company Overview

  • Name: National Security Agency (NSA)
  • Industry: Government, Intelligence, National Security
  • Headquarters: Fort Meade, Maryland, USA
  • Mission: The NSA is responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign and domestic intelligence and counterintelligence.

Breach Details

  • Date of Incident: April 2, 2024
  • Discovered By: IntelBroker, a moderator on BreachForums
  • Data Compromised:
    • Full names
    • Email addresses
    • Office numbers
    • Personal cell numbers
    • Government and military email addresses
    • Classified communications between the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (comprising the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand), the Fourteen Eyes, and their allies.
  • Breach Method: The data was reportedly obtained through a breach into Acuity Inc., a contractor that works directly with the U.S. Government and its allies.

Threat Actor Profile

  • Alias: IntelBroker
  • Forum: BreachForums (Moderator status)
  • Collaborators: @EnergyWeaponUser (another hacker involved in the breach)
  • Motivation: Likely driven by a mix of political motives and the desire to expose sensitive government operations. The release of classified information is intended to disrupt and expose intelligence operations.

Impact Analysis

  • National Security Risk: The leak of classified NSA documents poses a severe risk to national security. Compromised data includes sensitive communications among top intelligence agencies, which could be exploited by adversaries.
  • Operational Disruption: The exposure of personal contact information of intelligence personnel could lead to targeted attacks or surveillance, jeopardizing ongoing operations.
  • Diplomatic Fallout: The breach may strain relationships within the Five Eyes alliance and other international partners, as sensitive shared information is now in the public domain.
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