Company Overview

  • Target: Unnamed major organization in Israel
  • Sector: Government and public services
  • Involved Ministries: Intelligence, Defense, Interior, and 7 others
  • Affiliations: 20 subsidiary organizations

Breach Details

  • Threat Actor: ZeroSevenGroup
  • Breach Announcement: August 11, 2024
  • Access Level:
    • Administrator Shell Access: Full control over compromised systems
    • C2 Access: Command and control capabilities, often used to manage large networks of compromised devices (botnets)
    • Administrator Domain Access: Ability to access domain-level controls, likely enabling further spread within the network
    • Cloud Access: Privileged access to cloud-based resources
  • Compromised Devices: Over 1,500 devices within the network
  • Sale Platform: Hacker forum (not named)
  • Price: Not disclosed, likely negotiable via private messaging

Threat Actor Profile

  • Group Name: ZeroSevenGroup
  • Forum Status: VIP user with moderate reputation (11 reputation points, 37 posts)
  • Activity: Known for selling high-level access to compromised networks, particularly in the government sector
  • Methods: Typically leverages advanced exploitation techniques to gain administrative privileges on critical systems

Impact Analysis

  • Potential Risks:
    • National Security: Breach affects critical Israeli ministries, posing severe risks to national security
    • Information Leakage: Exposure of sensitive government data, intelligence, and defense-related information
    • Operational Disruption: Potential to disrupt operations across multiple government agencies and their subsidiaries
  • Wider Implications:
    • International Relations: Potential strain in international relations if classified information is exposed
    • Public Trust: Erosion of public trust in the government's ability to protect its digital infrastructure
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